City Hall

The following Departments are located inside City Hall:

  • Administration: The office of the City Manager, City Clerk, Human Resources and Finance

  • City Planning: Where zoning and comprehensive plan information can be obtained

  • Code Enforcement: To report high grass and weeds, derelict vehicles, trash and debris, etc.

  • Development Center: Where building permits and inspections are accepted

  • Municipal Court: Where fines and court fees can be paid.  However, the Court Clerk's office is

    located at the Police Department.  

  • Parks and Recreation: Where pavilion rentals, events, and general information can be found

  • Utility Billing: Responsible for handling all water, sewer, storm water, and trash billing


City Hall and associated offices are closed for the following holidays:

  • New Years Day

  • Martin Luther King Day

  • Presidents Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Juneteenth

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Columbus Day

  • Veterans Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Day after Thanksgiving

  • Christmas Eve Day

  • Christmas Day


You may request a work order for Water, Sewer, Street, Parks, Cemetery, or other Public Works issues, or for response to other City issues. For emergency issues, please call City Hall at 405-390-8198 to report your issue.


City Hall

Physical Address
2500 N Choctaw Road
Choctaw, OK 73020

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 567
Choctaw, OK 73020-0567

Phone: 405-390-8198
Fax: 405-390-8607


Monday - Thursday
7:30am - 5:30pm

7:30am - 11:30am