
Choctaw is located near the North Canadian River and has several tributaries running through our city limits, so it's important to be aware of the local Floodplains. For more information regarding Floodplains in Choctaw, contact the City Planner at City Hall at 405-390-8198.


OFMA, organized in 1990, is Oklahoma's state floodplain managers' association and is a Chapter member of the national Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM). OFMA brings together floodplain management professionals with a common interest in promoting sound floodplain management. Membership includes local floodplain administrators, public employees and elected officials, concerned citizens, engineers, surveyors, planners, contractors, lenders, insurance and real estate agents, students, corporate partners, and local, state, and federal agencies.


The Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association advocates protection of the natural functions of floodplains through education, training, and service to Oklahomans.


Objectives include promoting interest in flood damage abatement, improving cooperation among government agencies, and encouraging innovative approaches to managing Oklahoma's floodplains. OFMA provides a unified membership capable of presenting a strong voice to communicate to the public, media and lawmakers on flood-related issues. Other benefits include the OFMA newsletter ("The B.F.E."), spring and annual conferences, legislative reception at the state capitol, and other training and educational opportunities.


Encourage and promote flood-safe development and flood mitigation. Promote sound floodplain management practices and the natural and cultural benefits of the floodplain. Educate the public that floodplains are for floodwaters, habitat, water quality enhancement, and recreation. Enhance the floodplain management profession through education and certification. Click the link on the right for the complete copy of the pamphlet.