Waste Connections provides trash collection service to the City of Choctaw. Waste Connections picks up trash in different areas of the City throughout the week, so your trash pick-up day will depend on your location within City limits. The service map (PDF) is available for download, and outlines what areas of the city they will pick up each day of the week. You may call Waste Connections with any questions at 405-745-2942.
Recycling is picked up every other week. A recycling and bulk waste pick-up calendar is available for download on the right. You may contact Waste Connections at 745-2942 with any questions.
Poly carts should be placed with the handle facing away from the street. Your trash container will be blue with a black lid, and your recycling container will be blue with a yellow lid, and will outline the acceptable items that can be placed in the recycle container via a sticker on the lid. Carts must be placed at the curb before 6 a.m. on your service day or the night before.
Other guidelines include:
Please place within 2 feet from the curb. Please do not place your cart in the street.
Carts should not be placed too close to mailboxes, fences, parked cars or other objects.
Only your poly cart will be picked up on your regular service day - no other trash, please.
Items cannot be placed on top of the cart, as any items placed on top of the cart may fall to the ground or allow animals to scatter your trash.
Please, do not overfill your cart, and ensure the lid closes properly.
Bagging your trash before you put it in your cart will help prevent blowing trash when it is dumped.
If you need an additional cart, they are available for an additional fee, and may be ordered by contacting the Utility Department at 405-390-8198.
Observed holidays are New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If an observed holiday falls on a weekday, trash will run a day behind for the remainder of the week.